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What makes us premium ?

  • Organic – high-quality seeds
  • Healthy – up to forty times more nutritious than adult vegetables
  • Space-saving – grow anywhere!
  • Fast-growing  harvest after 10 – 14 days
  • Tasty – more flavoursome than shop-bought vegetables
  • Variety – choose from a range of different seeds
  • Quality – Peat free compost, recycled on-site
  • Waste wise – Seed & compost refills, so we don’t have to include trays in every kit
  • Planet caring – committed to become 100% environmentally friendly – using compostable and bio-degradable packaging when possible

Microgreens are healthy 


  • High in antioxidants
  • Helps lower cholesterol
  • Helps to regulate blood glucose levels
  • Contains vitamin A, B1, B6, C, E & K
  • Calcium, potassium, carotene, iron & zinc


  • Contains high levels of sulforaphane (up to 11 times more than the adult vegetable).
  • Prevents cancer
  • Reduces symptoms of schizophrenia
  • Anti-inflammatory

China Rose Radish

  • Helps prevent cancer
  • Regulates blood pressure & sugar levels
  • Powerful anti-oxidant
  • Supports kidney function
  • Packed with vitamin E, A, B6 & C
  • Folate, potassium, magnesium, calcium & iron


  • Packed with vitamin A, C, E, K & B6
  • Calcium, folate, thiamin, iron, potassium, iodine & manganese


  • High in iron
  • High in protein and healthy fat sources omega- 3 & omega-6 (good for brain health)
  • Complete source of amino acids
  • A great all-rounder for nutrition
  • Good source of vitamin A, C, E, K & B6
  • Folate, thiamin & manganese


  • Cancer-fighting phytoestrogens
  • High in vitamin C (one cup contains 50% of the recommended daily allowance)
  • Iron
  • Good source of protein

How to use our Microgreen kits

Each kit should contain the following:

  • Bamboo saucer tray (shape depends on size of kit)
  • Packets of seed (depending on size of kit)
  • Pack of soil OR coco coir expanding blocks
  • Growing instructions
Ensure you have all the correct items included in your kit, please contact us if not.
  1. Place coco coir discs into a cup or bowl of water and fully soak for 10 mins to expand the disc to around 3X its size
  2. Squeeze the coco coir out of the netting into the tray and break up all lumps
  3. Pour growing medium into the tray and spread evenly, leaving the top of the soil around 1/2 cm from the top of the tray
  4. Lightly water the soil / coco coir until moist to touch
  5. Open the seed packet and spread the seeds evenly, covering the soil
  6. Water seeds and soil again with plenty of water to help the seeds germinate
  7. Place the tray into a dark cupboard / Place a piece of cardboard on top of the tray to block out the light
  8. Keep in the dark for 3 – 5 days or until the shoots are 4 – 5cm long
  9. Place the tray onto a windowsill or somewhere light and water twice per day
  10. They will grow towards the light so turn the tray around for even growth
  11. Stop watering 24 – hours before harvest to ensure that your greens stay fresh
  12. Harvest at around 7 – 14 days from planting your seeds
  13. Use a knife or scissors to cut the stem around 1cm from the soil and gently hold the top of the leaves
  14. Your delicious microgreens are now ready to eat and enjoy!

Feedback on our produce

“Great product, simple instructions. Now I can grow my own microgreens at home!”


“Lots of fun for the kids learning how easy it is to grow microgreens.”


Want to start eating highly nutritious food too?

Yes, show me!

Roper Close
Rugby, UK
CV21 4PF

M: +44 (0)74 8756 2337

M: +44 (0)79 4465 9756
